ADI Compasso d'Oro - Career Award

Compasso d'Oro Carrer Award - XXVI edition
Compasso d'Oro Carrer Award - XXVI edition
It is with great honour that we announce that the “Associazione per il Disegno Industriale” has awarded Carlo and Piero Molteni, sons of Molteni Group's founders Angelo and Giuseppina Molteni, the ADI Compasso d'Oro career award, XXVI edition.
Established in 1954, the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award is the most authoritative design award worldwide, born of an idea of Gio Ponti.
Pictured: Carlo Molteni, Piero Molteni
An award that recognizes the quality of design and the capacity for innovation with constant investments in research, that for three generations have united the development of a Group that ranks among the world’s leaders in the furnishing and design sector.
The Molteni Group and the Compasso d’Oro
Over the years, Molteni Group companies have been awarded Compasso d’Oro Awards, Honourable Mentions and ADI Awards for Innovation. There have also been numerous appearances in the ADI Indexes.
ADI Compasso d’Oro Awards
ADI Compasso d’Oro XVII edition - 1994 Career Award
Honourable Mentions ADI Compasso d’Oro
ADI Compasso d’Oro XIV edition - 1987 Les Beaux Jours (Luca Meda)
ADI Compasso d’Oro XXII edition - 2011 Sequence (Patricia Urquiola)
ADI Compasso D’Oro, XXIII edition - 2014 QallaM, (F. Molteni; C. Colli; P.Hefti)
ADI Awards for Innovation
ADI National Innovation Award - 2012 QallaM
Award of Awards, Presidency of the Italian Republic, 2012 edition QallaM
ADI Compasso d’Oro Awards
ADI Compasso d’Oro XXII edition - 2011 UniFor. Protagonist of Design
ADI Compasso d’Oro XX edition - 2004 Naòs System (Studio Cerri&Associati)
ADI Compasso d’Oro XVIII edition - 1998 Move/Flipper (Luciano Pagani, Angelo
ADI Compasso d’Oro XVII edition - 1994 Immagine coordinata UniFor (a cura di
Pierluigi Cerri)
ADI Compasso d’Oro Honourable Mentions
ADI Compasso d’oro, XVIII edition - 1998, Less/Chariot Informatique (Jean Nouvel)
ADI Compasso d’oro, XVIII edition - 1998, i Satelliti (F&L Design)
ADI Compasso d’oro, XXII edition - 2014, Naos P (Pierluigi Cerri)
ADI Compasso d’Oro Honourable Mentions
ADI Compasso d’Oro, XXX edition - 2004, Nomis (Hannes Wettstein)
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